Micro Soccer (Ages 3-4)

Our Micro Soccer program is for our youngest players, and is a great way to introduce the kids to the game.  We have small groups with dedicated coaches to help new players learn the basics and develop a love for the game.  Groups will meet 1-2 times per week for about 30 minutes, either for practice or a 5 vs 5 coach-assisted game.

Macro Soccer (Ages 4-6)

The next step up from Micro Soccer is our Macro Soccer program.  We stick with teaching the fundamentals, as we start to introduce key concepts and skills that they will take with their development to the next level.  These players are still learning the basics, but show a bit more coordination and understanding of how the game should flow.  Teams will meet once per week for a 45 minute practice, and will also play some 6 vs 6 games, with goalies!

Developmental Soccer (Ages 6-8)

Continuing with our in-house Foundational program, our Developmental Division continues to focus on teaching the basic fundamentals, but starts to put them into more game-like scenarios.  These players are typically able to grasp some beginner tactics and we usually see a lot of growth around this age.  Teams practice twice a week for about an hour, and usually play a 7 vs 7 game over the weekend, with goalies and a referee.